New Signs & Bumper Stickers Now Available!

New Save Shollenberger signs and bumper stickers will be available for pick up this Saturday (10/31) from 10am-2pm at our Headquarters. The first 50 bumper stickers and 20 signs are FREE! 322 Western Ave. Petaluma, CA The Dutra proposal is likely to return to the Board of Supervisors in December, so it is vital that we begin to once again grow community awareness and return this issue to the forefront of Sonoma County consciousness. The large majority of Petaluma residents are against this Asphalt plant, as well as the entire Petaluma City Council and 5 other Sonoma County cities…but it could come down to the vote of one individual on the Board of Supervisors. Don’t let this decision be made for us. Stand up and speak your mind. Please stop by on Saturday and help us spread the word. Trick or Treat!