PRESERVE and PROTECT SHOLLENBERGER PARK Choose one or more, only $20 each. Your sponsorship helps Friends of Shollenberger Park do the work to preserve these animals and their nests and burrows. ____ x $20= _____ River Otter ____ x $20= _____ Western Pond Turtle ____ x $20= _____ Red-shouldered Hawk ____ x $20= _____ Red-tailed Hawk ____ x $20= _____ White-tailed Kite ____ x $20=_____ Barn Owl ____ x $20=_____ American White Pelican ____ x $20=_____ Great Egret ____ x $20=_____ Great Blue Heron ____ x $20= _____ Ruddy Duck Family ____ x $20=_____ Cinnamon Teal pair ____ x $20=_____ American Kestrel (a falcon) Subtotal: _____ Shipping: $4 Total: _____ Payment by check only. Make check payable to Friends of Shollenberger Park and send to : Friends of Shollenberger Park PO Box 2114, Petaluma, CA 94953 For each animal chosen, YOU WILL RECEIVE: • A beautiful 8 x 10 color photograph of the animal • An official certificate of adoption • A BIG THANK YOU from all of the animals who live at Sho...