PRESS RELEASE Judge Denies Shamrock requests for release from Dutra Asphalt Plant lawsuit. June 23, 2011 From: David Keller, Petaluma River Council, 1327 I St., Petaluma CA 94952. (707) 763-9336 For additional information, contact: Richard Drury, Lozeau | Drury LLP, 410 12th Street, Suite 250, Oakland, CA 94607, (510) 836-4200 Today, Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Rene Chouteau rejected a request from Shamrock Materials, Inc., and Corte Meno Sand & Gravel, LLC to be released from a lawsuit challenging the a new asphalt plant, proposed to be constructed by the Dutra Group, immediately across from Petaluma’s Shollenberger Park, a renowned bird sanctuary. Shamrock has argued that they had nothing to do with Dutra’s project. However, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, including the City of Petaluma, Petaluma River Council, Madrone Audubon Society, Friends of Shollenberger Park, Moms for Clean Air, Petaluma Tomorrow, and others, pointed out that the County Board ...