What a party for the park! Thank you to everyone who helped make The Shollenberger Shindig 3 a rousing success. Underwriters, donors, volunteers, food vendors all made the evening a wonderful experience and raised the funds needed to preserve and protect Shollenberger Park. To everyone who bought a ticket, brought their friends, participated in the Silent Auction and raffle – everyone who made the time to come out to the Shindig! THANK YOU ALL! THANK YOU TO OUR UNDERWRITERS, without whom we could not have a SUCCESSFUL Shindig! TARA FIRMA FARMS, CAMELBAK, AZURE TOWNHOMES, CHRIS AND LISA DOBSON, MAYA PRODUCTIONS, OWL FOUNDATION, PETALUMA TOMORROW, REACH 360 CHROMA GRAPHICS), OUT WEST GARAGE, LAGUNITAS BREWING, RYAN PHELAN, HILL PARK CLINIC, and many MORE donors. BIG THANK YOU to our Silent Auction donors, Raffle Donors, Food Donors, and Food Vendors. Each and every one has been so generous and supportive of saving Shollenberger Park for the community. Special thanks go to...